We are pleased to announce that the 2022-23 School Year budget vote has passed! We thank everyone for taking the time to vote and for your continued support of our schools. BELOW ARE THE FULL VOTING RESULTS:
Proposition 1: 2022-2023 School Year Budget:
SHALL the Board of Education of the Fort Ann Central School District, Washington County, New York, be authorized to expend the sums set forth in the budget in the total amount of $12,700,000 and to levy the necessary tax therefore? RESULTS: 161 yes, 36 No
Proposition 2: 2022-2023 Bus Proposition:
SHALL the Board of Education of the Fort Ann Central School District be authorized to: (1) acquire school buses at an estimated maximum cost of approximately $213,000; (2) expend such sum for such purpose; (3) levy the necessary tax therefore, to be levied and collected in annual installments in such years and in such amounts as may be determined by the Board of Education in accordance with Section 416 of the Education Law, taking into account state aid; and (4) in anticipation of the collection of such tax, issue bonds, notes and/ or installment purchase contracts of the District at one time or from time to time in the principal amount not to exceed $213,000, and levy a tax to pay the interest on said obligations when due? RESULTS: 162 yes, 34 No
At Large Election – To elect two (2) members of the Board of Education, each to a three (3) year term commencing on July 1, 2022 and expiring on June 30, 2025, to fill seats currently held by Paul Greene and James Seeley.
Candidate: Paul Greene
Write-in Candidates – Education Law requires schools to provide residents with an opportunity to write an individual’s name for each vacancy on the Board. You may vote for a candidate who submitted a nominating petition, or you may write-in a person’s name. Please note that if you wish to vote for a write-in candidate, you can only vote for that person once. You may ask the poll clerks for assistance if you have any questions.
Paul Greene 103
Tyler Whitney 82
Molly Gordon 56
Katie Foran 49
James Seeley 4
Stephanie Bruce 3
Shane Cody 2
Molly Green 2
Reginald Wright 2
Karen Lanfear 2
Chad Wilson 1
Alecia Barone 1
Brendon Wright 1
Joan Degener 1
Mike Klein 1
Aaron Gordon 1
Russ Blair 1
Amber Mahoney 1
James Lanfear 1
Sue Allen 1
Bill Gordon
William Hohmann 1
Woke Mickey Mouse 1