COVID-19 Consent To Test FAQ

COVID-19 Consent To Test FAQ
Posted on 01/13/2021

COVID-19 Testing In Microcluster Zones FAQ


Common Questions Regarding COVID-19 Testing in Micro-Cluster Zones – Yellow Zone

What test is being used and who is administering the tests? 

Fort Ann CSD will use the BinaxNOW COVID-19 Rapid test approved and supplied by the NYS Department of Health.  The Binax test is a non-invasive, COVID-19 rapid test. The test will be administered here at school and by trained medical staff from Adirondack Health and Wellness.  There is no cost to families or staff for the testing.

How are the tests administered? 

Tests will be administered by a medical professional from Adirondack Health & Wellness to students for whom we have received consent. All testing will happen at the school and under the supervision of our school nurse(s).

The testing process involves using a small swab, similar to a Q-Tip, to swab the front of the nose. This is the simple, quick, shallow nasal swab test that can be administered in under a minute;  results are available in 15-minutes, and positive case individuals, if any, are immediately notified. 

This short video from our partners at Adirondack Health and Wellness demonstrates what a typical test experience at school will look like.

How do I consent to have my child(ren) tested at school?  

Parents have been given a printed copy of the Consent for Student COVID-19 Testing Form to complete and return. It is important that parents complete a separate consent form for each child. If you need an extra copy, please contact the school office. 

The form is ALSO available here: Student COVID-19 Testing Form. This form is also available on the school website. *Note: If you fill out and return the printed copy, you do not need to fill out the digital form, and vice versa.

If my child attends school remotely, do I need to provide consent?

No. The testing is only for in-person students and staff.

How many people need to be tested to keep schools open? 

Schools are required to test 20% of in-person learners and school staff in a yellow zone.  

For Fort Ann, that means we need to test roughly 100 people over a two-week period. If we do not meet the testing requirements, it is our understanding that will be required to switch to fully remote instruction.  

What is the process for selecting students for testing? 

We will create a confidential database that includes the names of all eligible students and staff members. Taking into account consent to testing, we will randomly select the students and staff to be tested.  

Can I be present when my child is tested? 

Parents and guardians may not be present for testing during the school day as we must limit the number of people within our school buildings.   

Can my child return to class while awaiting test results?

Yes. Based on daily responses to our Daily COVID Health Screenings, any staff or students who are in attendance are presumed to be healthy. It is possible, however, that asymptomatic individuals will test positive. Please continue to complete the daily screening form and be sure to stay home/keep your child home if they are not feeling well and are showing symptoms noted on the Daily COVID Health Screening Form.

What if I prefer to get my child tested offsite? 

You can get your child tested by your healthcare provider or at any testing site. In order for those tests to count toward the 20% threshold, results need to be provided to your school nurse within a week. If we are designated a “Yellow Zone” and it is your intention to test offsite, please notify the school nurse and indicate when your child will be tested. 

If I do not consent to test, will my child be forced to switch to fully online instruction?  

No, your child can continue to be part of the in-person learning model as long as we have enough volunteers to meet the 20% requirement. Meeting that benchmark will get tricky over time if the majority of people do not agree to testing.  

If I don’t consent now, will I have an opportunity to reconsider? 

Yes. Depending on the number of parents who consent, we could have to solicit more volunteers to test in future weeks.  If that happens, we would send another email asking new families to consent. 

Can parents or family members get tested too? 

No, schools only receive enough tests to accommodate 20% of our school population, so unfortunately, we cannot test family members.  

What happens if a student tests positive? 

If your child tests positive, someone from the school will notify you and you will need to pick-up your child. In addition, we share that information with Washington County Public Health Services, who will contact you to discuss next steps. 

Is it possible that schools will still have to switch to fully online instruction?  

Yes. If cases continue to rise, we may need to switch to fully online instruction. In addition, if a significant number of staff are placed in mandatory quarantine, this could require the district to temporarily shift a class or school building to online instruction. 

When will the testing start?

If we are designated a “Yellow Zone,” we will notify you with dates and specific details for where and when the testing will take place if you/your child are randomly selected.

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