Frequently Asked Questions

How can my child access your services?
As a parent, you can refer your child to the School Counselor. Feel free to call or e-mail your child's School Counselor.

Is parent permission needed for my child to see the School Counselor?
Parent permission is required to receive individual counseling services.

What does a School Counselor do?

Click here to read about the role of a School Counselor.

How do I know what outside agency to access for my child?
Finding the right programs can be difficult and overwhelming. There are many valuable agencies who offer lots of different resources. If you have additional questions or need more help, please contact the School Counselor.

I have concerns about where my child is developmentally. What should I do?
All children grow and develop at different stages. If you have concerns, please contact the School Counselor. The Counselor can work with teachers and others in the building to gather helpful information about how your child is doing in school. They can also help to connect you with an outside agency if needed.

What should I do if my child is being bullied?

First, talk with your child about the situation. Have they tried standing up for themselves? It is always better to empower children to solve their own problems before rescuing them.

If the child has tried numerous times to advocate for themselves, or if the bullying is severe, then adult assistance is needed. Contact the child's teacher to let him or her know of the situation. Many times, children have not made their teacher aware of what's going on.

Strategies could include (these are familiar strategies that we practice in classroom lessons frequently):

  • Ignore
  • Avoid the student
  • Make a joke
  • Use an I feel statement "I feel ________ when you ________, please _________.
  • Stay in a group - stick up for each other!

How can I help with my child's homework (without doing it for them!)?

Begin with having a specific time and place where homework is completed each night. Develop a schedule with your child so that he or she feels a part of the "homework plan." Allow your child to begin activities independently. Remember, homework is extra practice and is not used to introduce a new skill. Your child should be familiar with homework activities. After independent work time, allow your child to ask for help.

Tired of the homework struggle? Try a behavior contract for completed work. Successfully attempting homework independently can be rewarded by extra TV time, family game night, or a game outside.

What should I do if I dislike my child's teacher?

Ask the teacher to meet with you about your concerns. Remember, teachers are people, too. Attack the problem and not the person. By working together, almost all teacher/parent/child relationship conflicts can be solved. If you feel that you still have concerns, contact an administrator. Remember, moving a child's class rarely solves the problem, so be prepared to try other strategies.

Who Are School Counselors? (PDF 151 KB)

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