A Letter from Superintendent Hoskins

A Letter from Superintendent Hoskins
Posted on 01/28/2022

First, I want to take a moment and thank the Fort Ann community for their continued partnership throughout this period of the pandemic; especially, during this incredibly challenging and confusing week. There has been a great deal of information being circulated throughout the state and it can be difficult to decipher; I want to thank our community for continuing to work with, and trust, the district. 

Since the pandemic began, school districts throughout New York State have been working hard to navigate the ever-changing guidance and state mandates that are issued with little or no advanced communication from state agencies. This has been an incredible challenge and I am thankful that our community understands that all the enacted mandates and daily protocol requirements are coming directly from Albany and in order for our district to remain open, we are required to comply with the regulatory agencies determinations. 

Earlier today, New York state school districts were notified by the Attorney General’s Office that there will not be oral arguments in the Appellate Court today regarding the state’s appeal of the Nassau County Supreme Court decision. The Friday, January 28th deadline that was reported is a deadline for parties to submit legal briefs. Therefore, it is extremely unlikely that there will be a decision from the Appellate Court today or over the weekend. As a result, New York State’s requirement for masking in school remains in effect until a decision is made. 

We will remain vigilant over the week for any new information and will do our best to ensure that we communicate any changes in protocols as soon as possible.

As a district we understand how frustrating, and confusing, all this information has been. We feel your frustration and have been working with our state representatives on how New York State can move forward and return to some sense of normalcy as soon as possible. In addition, you may be aware that all the Superintendents in the WSWHE BOCES have signed a letter forwarded to Governor Hochul and Commissioner Bassett seeking a “Pathway to Normalcy” and have been advocating for a light at the end of the tunnel and return to normal operations. The “Pathway to Normalcy” can be found on our website and Facebook. 

As always, I really appreciate your continued support and patience as we work through this challenging time together. 

Justin Hoskins 

Superintendent of the Fort Ann Central School District

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