The annual fire inspection has been conducted and the required reports have been submitted to the New York State Education Department. For questions please contact Pete Northup at (518) 639-5594 ext. 52302.
The Fort Ann Central School District may use pesticide products periodically throughout the year. The Pesticide Neighbor Notification Law requires school districts to maintain a list of staff and persons in a parental relation who wish to receive 48-hour written notice prior to the application of pesticides. Written notifications will include the date, locations and product used for each application.
For further information or to be placed on the school-specific 48-hour notification list, please contact Pete Northup, Head of Building Maintenance, at (518) 639-5594 ext. 52302.
The Fort Ann Central School District does not discriminate in employment or in the education programs and activities which it operates on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, age, ethnicity, religion, race, or handicap in violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, or §504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the NYS Human Rights Law. Inquiries regarding this non-discrimination notice may be directed to Section 504/Title IX Coordinator at (518) 639-5594.
The Fort Ann Central School District has developed a District-wide School Safety Plan and confidential Building-level School Safety Plans for each building as required by New York State Safe School Against Violence in Education (S.A.V.E.) Law. This law requires the district to annually provide written information to all students and staff about emergency procedures. As required, the District-wide School Safety Plan was originally submitted to the New York State Education Department in June 2001. Each confidential Building-level Emergency Response Plan was originally submitted to the local police and New York State Police in June 2001.
The District-wide School Safety Team annually reviews the District-wide School Safety Plan. The Building-level School Safety Teams annually review the confidential Building-level Emergency Response Plans. All updates are approved by the Board of Education prior to re-submitting them to the New York State Education Department and the local police and New York State Police respectively.
The district will provide training throughout the year and will conduct at least twelve fire drills and conduct a district-wide drill to test sheltering plans and/or early dismissal. Emergency evacuation information is posted in each classroom and Emergency School Closing information can be found in the district calendar. For more information concerning the District-wide School Safety Plan, please contact the school at (518) 639-5594.
In accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1987 (40 CFR Part 763), the Fort Ann Central School District is required to give annual notification stating that the Asbestos Management Plan for each building is available and kept in the district office board room. These records are available for review during normal business hours.
Six-month periodic asbestos surveillances as well as a triennial inspection are required in pursuant of AHERA. The six-month surveillance will be completed in January, 2012 and June, 2012. The triennial inspection will be completed in July, 2013. To date, no asbestos projects are scheduled. If any are scheduled in the future, all work shall be conducted according to all applicable local, state and federal regulations.
For more information, please contact the LEA Asbestos Designee, Pete Northup, Head of Building Maintenance, at (518) 639-5594 ext. 52302.
The Anti-Idling Law prohibits the idling of a diesel or non-diesel fueled engine for more than five consecutive minutes except to maintain temperatures inside the vehicles during the cold or hot weather when it is required by certain regulations and the operation of equipment.
Fort Ann Schools Transportation Department monitors compliance with the Anti-Idling Laws. When loading or unloading our buses at school, buses are shut off during those times. The school is also responsible to ensure visitors at our school follow the same rules and regulations regarding the idling of buses.